Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wow! Loving some Chipotles!

Sam and I really needed to spend some quality time together in a bad sort of way, so we decided despite near complete exhaustion and major sleep deprivation and really no excess budgeted out-to-eat money, we would go on a date after we drop the older three off at AWANAs.  (BTW, totally grateful for all the people that make AWANAs happen and available!  Thank you to all of you!)  We decided that we would finally go and try out Chipotles.  We walked in and up to the counter and the girl behind the counter looked at us expectantly.  I told her we were newbies so it would probably take us a few minutes to figure out what we want.  Another lady came up and took over and explained it all to us.  We ordered, went down the line telling what we wanted on our burritos and when we got to the register, I got my wallet out and waited to be told what the total was.  I was watching the total go up and stop just under $20, but she was still pushing buttons, so I waited and then all of a sudden it came up as $0.00.  I looked up at her and she said enjoy your meal.  My mouth dropped open and then I said, "Wha?"  She said that since it was our first time, they were comping our meal.  I said, "REALLY?!...Wow, Thanks!"  Then, I promised to blog about it. :)  God has been blessing us in little ways like that recently.  We've made some changes in the way we handle some things and we fully believe that in so doing, we've gotten ourselves out of the way and allowed God to do just that much more in our lives and this, I believe, happens to be a neat little result of that. :D  We prayed over our free meal and also asked for God to bless that establishment and the people therein and thoroughly enjoyed our date and yummy food.  Really like their chips, too, by the by.  Okay, just thought I'd share....  Chipotles, anyone?!

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