Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sparkle, Sparkle and some other long overdue things

Sparkly...ooooooooh! Yeah, I did a little experimenting. Not too shabby for the first time painting my nails in, oh about a year and a half!

Everything is going well. We are having a great time getting more involved in our church and getting to know our church family even better. We are still looking for a house, but we are taking our time and not getting in any kind of a hurry. :)

The kiddos are growing so much every day. Zekey is paying lots more attention to Ailey Grace and its so sweet. Both of the boys can get her giggling, which is so much fun to watch.

Braden is ever the social butterfly. He has befriended an older man that lives in a couple of spots down from us. He's a very nice man and Braden tends to come home with random things. For instance, a cow bell. various types of bread that he cooks on his grill (its pretty good, too) cookie dough. There's a lady across the street who sends things home with him, too...apples, juice, toys... They really like that Braden visits them. It honestly reminds me of me when I was little. I didn't know a stranger and I would come home with all kinds of things, including stray animals....actually, that still happens on occasion! When that starts happening with Braden, we are going to have to have a chit-chat. :) His cousin Luke gave him his Leapster and I found a couple of games on ebay and he's been having a ball with it. Thanks Luke!

Zekey has been so much fun recently. Its like he decided to let his personality come out and play and it's stayed out. He laughs a lot and is lots more playful and talkative. I love this age. Zekey has taken to calling me Ama at times, especially when he's saying a longer sentence. Funny. Every morning when he gets up, he is so excited to see whoever is awake and makes his rounds to say good morning to everyone, hugs and kisses all around. He also says thank you all on his own whenever anyone gets or does something for him. He also automatically says "Bless You" when someone sneezes or coughs. So cute. We are working on "please", but he's catching on pretty quickly. He's just such a bundle of fun.

Little Miss Ailey Grace is still such a good baby. I started putting her in long pjs at night and wouldn't ya know it, she has been sleeping better on the whole. All of my kiddos so far have been like that. They get cold at night and as soon as I remedy that issue, they sleep so much better. Right now, though, she is still teething even though no teeth have actually made an appearance. I have a feeling they will be coming in twos and fours. I have gotten reacquainted with having to give tylenol and orajel on a regular basis. Zekey really spoiled me. I would check his mouth periodically and viola! there would be four more teeth! It was crazy.... Ailey is definitely taking after Braden, though I don't think its quite as severe. Oh well, I believe we'll get through it just fine. God is so good! She is also grabbing at anything close enough to her to get, especially if it has a crinkly sound. She was cracking us up today because I had one of those little travel packs of tissue and I was trying to get one out and she was grabbing it away from me at lightening speed. Anyway, her fine motor skills are developing nicely. I think she will be crawling soon. All the signs are there. She tries to pull herself forward with her hands and manages to get her feet up under her at times. We shall see.

Okay, there's more but I've got to go see a man about a dog. Okay, not really, but I am tired of typing one-handed!

1 comment:

Nessa and Jeebs said...

nice nails- you were bored weren't you :)