Friday, January 23, 2009

Nesting Has begun among other things...

Yep.  Its actually hard for me to identify this in my pregnancies because I naturally tend to lean that way.  I love to be organized (even though that doesn't happen near as much as I would like anymore!:).  I like everything to have a place and be in it.  I love containers and shelves and organizational accessories.  I like everything labeled. 

Before we had kids, I had our closet organized by type of clothes, i.e. pants, skirts, short sleeves, long sleeves.  Then I had them ordered by color from neutrals through all the different colors.  Yep.  Its good to have kids to stretch me!:)  I haven't given up my organizational tendencies, mind you, I have just re-prioritized what I organize.  I get stuff to make sure we have a place to put all the stuff we need/have in a confined space.  Now, whether it all gets put back where it goes is another matter entirely, but at least the possibility of it is there!  Someday, when we don't live in the rv anymore, and we have a house....OH, Yeah!!!

So, on to the nesting phase.  Yeah, the urgency to have all the baby stuff here and in my presence hit a couple of weeks ago and last week I was able to go to the rv place to retrieve some clothes and things from the rv and then the following weekend we traveled to East Texas to get the rest of the baby things out of the storage unit.  We also got in a really good visit with Sam's parents, his sister and her kiddos and his brother, his wife and their kiddos.  Good times!

Anyway, we retrieved our portable baby swing, the boppy, clothes, car seat stuff, blankets, burp cloths, etc.  They are all still in the storage bags at this time because I'm waiting on the order of detergent I bought.  Its the Country Save that I'm going to use with the cloth diapers and any other baby stuff.  (When I run out of the stuff that I currently have, I'll be using the Country Save for all of our laundry.  Its flat out cheaper and the detergent is better for your skin, yadda, yadda...)  I'm actually expecting it to arrive today.  Yeah, free shipping via by FedEx.  You can't beat that!  So, hopefully I'll be able to start getting all the baby stuff clean and folded and put where its all supposed to go.  Aaaahhhh...that'll be nice.:)  

I had a great day yesterday because I was able to go to Target and get some things.  When I got there, wouldn't you know that they didn't have what I was originally looking for, but they were having a nice sale in the baby area.  I found some swaddling blankets that were actually bigger than 30" x 30" .  These suckers are 42" x 42"!  Isn't that wonderful?!  Okay, perhaps I should explain my excitement.  Both of my boys came out at 19" + and were very wiggly and active from the beginning.  They both needed swaddling for comfort for several months and the 30 x 30 blankets just didn't cut it.  I had to go with a stretchier blanket.  I did actually find a few that were big enough and light enough.  Well, through the course of our moving so very often, I only have one left and I can't find that kind any more.  If I find a blanket made out of the right material, it is smaller than what I need.  Anyway, to find these blankets which are stretchy and big enough is exciting, indeed!   Yippee!  It is now time to do the dance of joy!!!:)  Won't you join me? :P 

Another lovely thing happened when the post-person delivered my nursing pillow.  They actually tried to deliver it on Saturday, but we weren't here at the time and so they left a card for me to go pick it up.  I have to have a little aside here for a sec.  Did you know you can schedule a redeliver by USPS online?  I actually tried to call them to have them redeliver it, since I don't have the van during the day and wouldn't be able to go and pick it up until after 7 most of the time.  The person on the phone basically just brushed me off and gave me the impression that I couldn't request a re-deliver even though that's exactly what it said on the card.  So, after seeing the online thing, I decided to forgo the lack of customer service via an actual person and just schedule it online.  Its pretty pitiful that I had to go that route, but there you have it.  Okay, back to my delivery....   I LOVE the pillow.  I got the My Brest Friend Deluxe, which has the cover that comes off so you can wash it.  (It is so stinkin' soft!!) It also comes in a zippered plastic bag that fits precisely around it and is perfect for storing it in.  Even though I have a huge belly right now, I went ahead and tried it on and it did fit!  Amazing!  The boys also wanted to try it on and we all had a very good laugh.  When I get it out again, I'll have to take a picture of them with it on.  It was pretty funny.  Plus, this thing is super light-weight.  I am so excited to try it out when the nursing starts.  I'll have to let you know if it performs the expected task, which is to alleviate the back and neck strain I usually end up having from using the Boppy.  BTW - I do intend to still use the Boppy.  I like to snuggle my babies into it.  Right now, I need to get some more stuffing and plump it up a bit.

I also got my KCK One diaper that I bought via auction off of ebay.  Its so nice!  I sat down yesterday at the sewing machine and sewed up all the cloth wipes that I had cut out of the Christmas flannel fabric we bought for pajama pants back in November. (Yeah, it got re-appropriated.:) Those turned out quite well, but I do believe for them to be effective, I'm gonna have to make more.  I'll be getting some in the mail soon, too, but with two kiddos in diapers and another one who loves to get messy, I'll need a good supply of wipes!  I also attempted to make the welt pocket that is part of the diaper pattern, but I got so frustrated by the directions that I just decided to pack it all up and call it a day.  I'll probably get it back out tomorrow after watching the how-to video again and reading the directions at the same time.  I may even need to have someone explain it to me via email or something.  The best thing would be if I had someone sitting right next to me making it so that I could watch exactly how its done.  It'll be okay, though.  I'm thinking it'll be similar to the confusion I had with crocheting and then all of a sudden, BAM!, it'll make sense!  You know, I think I'll google how to sew a welt pocket and see what I come up with....  

No update on the rv yet.  I think they are still waiting on pricing and parts from the manufacturer.  God totally has all of this in His hands so that is where we are leaving it.  Last night when Braden was praying, he thanked God for this mobile home we are staying in in the interum.  Its so encouraging to hear him say stuff like that because its a window into his heart.  I'll have to write down one of his prayers on here one day.  They are so sweet and he's funny because he imitates the way Sam and I pray over him and Zekey.  I love it!

Homeschooling....hhhmmmm....yeah, that's been slow going around here.  I haven't recovered from the holidays yet and it seems like I have less and less energy everyday.  Well, I really do since I only have about a month left before we meet this new little person God has chosen to join our family.  I started to do a review of the Bible lessons and letters and numbers he has learned so far, but we've only gotten to B.  I think next week I am going to really buckle down and get the review done, so that we can move on to the rest of the Bible, alphabet and numbers.  I want to get our routine reestablished so that when the baby comes, I won't be trying to get yet another thing under control.  Ya know?

Sam is still on his schedule of 12's, but God is blessing us in different ways through it.  He gets surprise days off or he'll get off early on occasion.  So far, he has been allowed to have each Sunday off, so we are very grateful!  He was actually not feeling well yesterday, so he called in sick and we just spent a semi-relaxing day together.  (I did go to Target and then later we had to go to the grocery store.  We should know better than to go to the grocery store after 5.....!) Anyway, again God is blessing and providing in unexpected ways. :D

Well, I think that is enough typing for one day.  I'm sure if you have read this far, your eyes are tired, so I'll close my yap and give you all a break. :P  Have a great and blessed, wonderful day, wherever you are on the planet!


Kim said...

I am excited to see your cloth diapers! I have a friend that is due in a few months that looooves cloth diapering I might drum up some business for ya :)

p.s. I am Kristina James' big sister if ou were wonderin wher i came from :)

Pattylicious said...

Lord bless you with cloth diapers. It sounds like a cool idea, but if it wasn't for disposable diapers with these twin babies....suicide might have been on the menu. Just kidding. More power to you. I love reading your blog, sweetie. Good luck with all of your nesting. I drove my fam crazy with it. Love ya!